Becoming an Exceptional Physiotherapist

Insights from Seasoned Practitioners

As a physiotherapist, your journey in this field is a continuous process of growth, learning, and self-discovery. When you embark on this career path, it's essential to remember that you don't know everything, and that's okay. Embrace the mindset of curiosity and keep asking questions, both to yourself and to others. This includes your patients and mentors who can provide valuable insights and guidance along the way.

1. Embrace A Growth Mindset

You don’t know what you don’t know - keep asking questions, to yourself, to your patients and to your mentors. 
Embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for learning, and continuously seek professional growth. Adopt a growth mindset that encourages curiosity, trying new things, and the pursuit of new knowledge and skills. It’s the antidote to being intimidated by the uncertainty of not having all the answers early in your career.

2.You Can’t Fix Everyone

You won’t be able to fix everyone; PAIN IS VERY COMPLEX. What may seem clear from your perspective may be viewed differently by others, including fellow therapists or healthcare professionals. It's essential to set your ego aside and collaborate with others by seeking their input or referring patients when necessary.

As therapists we want to get every single patient better, but no therapist bats 100%. There are patients that you will struggle with. It’s the reality of what we do. Some injuries and patients are very complex. So set realistic expectations for yourself.

Do your absolute best to help each patient but don’t beat yourself up if the results fall short of your goals sometimes. In those cases lean on your mentors and other practitioners who may also be able to help that patient.

Physiotherapist treating patients back

3. Competition Is A Myth

You are not in competition with other clinics - we can help so many people, collaborate with others to better understand our ever growing industry.

Collaboration fosters better patient outcomes, shared learning, and a sense of support in your career. Attend conferences, join professional associations, and participate in online forums to build and maintain connections with peers and colleagues.

As a physiotherapist, your journey of learning never ends. Allocate time for professional development and seek out courses and mentors that challenge and expand your beliefs. Every therapy approach has its time and place, so remain open-minded and avoid passing judgment without firsthand experience or a deep understanding. Cultivate humility and respect towards others in your field, as these qualities go a long way in fostering collaboration and growth.

4. Prevent Burnout

Working with patients in pain can be emotionally and physically draining. To prevent burnout, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and establish a healthy work-life balance.

After taking the right steps to become a great therapist you’ll be in high demand in no time. Your schedule will fill up and long days of treatment can lead to burnout. Set professional and personal goals that align with your values and interests. Consider branching out into different areas of the profession, such as teaching or clinic management, to keep yourself engaged and motivated. Remember, taking care of your well-being allows you to provide better care to your patients.

Man running near a bridge

5. Develop Financial Literacy

While your focus may primarily be on developing your clinical skills, it's important to start investing in your financial well-being early on. Learn about personal finance and develop a strong understanding of financial literacy. Numerous resources are available, including those specifically tailored for allied health professionals.

You’ll no doubt have goals for your life outside of your career. Things like taking that dream vacation, buying a home, or saving for retirement are all reliant on your financial situation. Having a strong background in financial literacy will help you reach those goals.

6. Build Patient Relationships

In the words of Sir William Osler, "The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease."

As a physiotherapist, it's vital to take a genuine interest in your patients. Spend time getting to know them, understand their lives, goals, and pain. Establishing a trusting and compassionate relationship is essential for effective treatment. Remember, your patients rely on you more than you may realize.

Physiotherapist treating arm pain

7. Uncertainty is common

Feeling uncertain about a patient's condition or diagnosis is a common experience, especially when starting out. Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Reach out to colleagues, engage in discussions, and seek input from others in your field.

8. Align Yourself with a mentor

As early as you can try and seek out experienced physiotherapists who can serve as mentors. Shadow them with real patients. Watch them assess and treat. Ask questions in these real-time experiences to understand their clinical reasoning. The best way to advance your clinical reasoning is through shadowing live cases. Seek these opportunities out.

physiotherapist educating patient

9. Find a skilled accountant

Find a trustworthy accountant early in your career to guide you in managing your finances. Ideally choose one who works with allied health professionals as part of their practice. They will assist with tax planning, budgeting, and financial decision-making. They’ll also be an asset when it comes time to decide about things like incorporating your practice or opening a clinic.  

10. Real Learning Begins In Practice

While education forms the foundation of your knowledge, true growth as a practitioner occurs when you start treating patients. It's perfectly normal not to have all the answers regarding assessment and treatment strategies for each case. Embrace every patient encounter as an opportunity to learn, refine your skills, and develop your clinical reasoning. Each interaction contributes to your professional development and ultimately makes you a better physiotherapist.

Neck acupuncture

In conclusion, the journey to becoming an exceptional physiotherapist involves embracing challenges, seeking collaboration, fostering personal and professional growth, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Remember to invest in your financial well-being, seek mentorship, and approach each patient with curiosity and compassion. Embrace the lifelong learning process, and let every patient encounter shape you into the outstanding physiotherapist you aspire to be.

Karim Hanna, PT

Karim is an integrative physiotherapist, with the vision of optimizing daily movement and human performance.

In his physiotherapy practice, Karim draws upon his extensive skill set to address the root causes of pain and provide evidence-based treatments.


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