What Is Gunn IMS?

Gunn IMS (the IMS stands for Intramuscular Stimulation) is a treatment approach developed by Dr. Chan Gunn in the 1970s. It is a form of acupuncture that is also sometimes called Dry Needling. Gunn IMS involves the use of fine acupuncture needles to target specific areas of muscle tissue known as trigger points. 

The Gunn IMS treatment method utilizes Western medicine's knowledge of the neurophysiology of pain and aims to identify the root cause of nerve irritations responsible for chronic pain conditions. Gunn IMS offers a comprehensive method for diagnosing and treating myofascial pain syndromes, which are persistent pain conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system in the absence of a recent injury.

What to expect from a gunn ims treatment

Physiotherapist educating patient about anatomy using a medical diagram on an ipad

The Gunn IMS approach involves a full-body evaluation to identify the source of your pain and any associated areas that require attention for effective and lasting relief.

 During an initial assessment, your physiotherapist will assess your posture, movement pattern, range of motion, and muscle strength to determine the muscles and nerves involved in your condition. Your physiotherapist may also palpate (the medical process of examining the body via touch) for tissue texture changes and look for common signs of underlying nerve dysfunction such as tender bands of muscles and muscle knots. If a nerve dysfunction is present the skin will feel thickened and hypersensitive to light touch. 

Once your physiotherapist has found an issue they will begin to release the tight bands of muscles. A thin acupuncture needle will be inserted into your trigger points, these are areas of tight and shortened muscle fibers that can cause pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body. 

You may not even feel the thin needle as it penetrates the skin. However, if your muscle is hypersensitive and shortened, you may feel a muscle grab similar to a muscle cramp for a very short period (5 seconds). Once this feeling dissipstes, you will feel relief and relaxation of the muscle.  

Through the use of Gunn IMS, the acupuncture needle serves as an extension of your practitioner's hand, allowing them to gain tactile insight into your muscle tissue.Your physiotherapist can perceive the level of resistance encountered while moving the acupuncture needle during release, this allows them to actively seek out areas that feel more rigid and dense. As your muscle gradually relaxes, the level of resistance will diminish. 

Your physiotherapist may insert acupuncture needles into multiple muscles that are affected by the same spinal segmental level.

For example, you may come in with pain around your elbow. However, your physiotherapist may find and treat areas of concern around your shoulder, tricep, and the low portion of your neck- these areas are part of your spinal segment C5-C7.

Oftentimes, it can be confusing when treatment is occurring so far from your area of pain, but don’t worry, there is a good reason! The nerves leaving the C5-C7 spinal segmental level have an effect all the way down through the shoulder, elbow, and hand. Treatment of these areas outside of where you are feeling pain can actually relieve your tightness and pain.

In addition to your Gunn IMS treatment, you will likely be prescribed a home exercise plan. It is not enough to simply get rid of muscle knots, to ensure lasting and effective results your physiotherapist will ask to see you again for a follow-up session and/or provide home exercises to work on any inhibited/weak muscles.

okay, so how do trigger points work and what is the science behind gunn ims?

NERVES! Your nerves conduct electrical information to your muscles. In an ideal situation, your nerve supplies your muscle with a consistent signal to create normal muscle tone. When a nerve is irritated, it sends a poor signal to the muscle which makes the muscle hypersensitive, causing muscle shortening and eventually muscle knots.

When this happens, the nervous system kicks into hyperdrive, similar to a highly sensitive alarm that goes off with any movement. The taut muscle bands can no longer function properly and put additional stress on the joints. This leads to imbalances and eventually persistent pain. 

Gunn IMS is based on the idea that trigger points (areas of tightened muscle) are caused by nerve dysfunction. By targeting shortened muscles and the nerves that supply them, these trigger points can be released and the muscle can return to normal length and function.

What conditions can Gunn ims treat?

Gunn IMS is a relatively non-invasive procedure and is generally considered to be safe when performed by a trained practitioner. It is a highly effective approach to managing chronic pain, especially when there are no obvious signs of ongoing tissue damage or inflammation.

Gunn IMS is best suited to the treatment of soft tissue pain and conditions like:

  • Neck and back pain

  • Whiplash

  • Repetitive strain injuries

  • Jaw pain

  • Tennis elbow

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Fibromyalgia, and more

Where other forms of therapy have failed, Gunn IMS can often provide relief.

At The Rehab Grid, our certified Gunn IMS practitioners offer Gunn IMS assessments and treatments at both our Toronto: Leaside / Bayview Village location and our Stouffville: Main St. clinic. We are committed to providing safe and effective treatments to help our patients achieve their health goals.

If you are interested in learning more about Gunn IMS dry needling or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 647-955-6223 or info@therehabgrid.com. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you on your path to optimal health and wellness.

Karim Hanna, PT

Karim is an integrative physiotherapist, with the vision of optimizing daily movement and human performance.

In his physiotherapy practice, Karim draws upon his extensive skill set to address the root causes of pain and provide evidence-based treatments.


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